Likes: friends/family, cartoons, live action movies, monster movies, N0rp, eddsworld, mario, sonic, scott pilgrim, dragon ball, jojo, anime, manga, dogs, small fish, thanksgiving, art of all kind, FNF, disney, popeye the sailor man, hugs, nickelodeon, indie games (for the most partdislikes: cats, big lizards, feminazis, karens, toxic people, touching if i don't know you, infidelity (the act of infidelity specifically), racists, pedophiles, transphobes, homophobes, traced art, VALENTINE'S DAY (i don't care if you like it. you do you. i just hate the holiday), those who harm my friends and family, peta, thatveganteacher, being called mastermusic taste: just anything that sounds good. current jam: of favorite artists: Akira toriyama, Nugget, EC segar, butch hartman, marco antonio, Shutupjojo, walt disney, edd gould, yudetemago, hirohiko araki, eichro oda, toyotaro, totallynotmark, animeajay, trev, minoru maeda, masaki sato, shintani, ghost, stephen hillenburg, TheMaskedChrisquotes i live by: "often imitated, never duplicated" - captain lou albano
"i yam what i yam and thats all what i yam" - popeye
"yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. that's why it's called the present" - master oogway
"move well, learn well, play well, eat well, and rest well. live your lives merrily to the fullest. that is the turtle school way" - master roshi/ kami sennin

Disclaimer: i take everything said at face value and don't really know when you're joking over text. let me know if i hurt you or if you're joking. if i get annoying. PLEASE tell me if i am and what i'm doing is annoying you so i'll stop.i have autism too. so i function a little differently compared to neurotypical people. if any of my friends find this. please take this into account when talking to me